Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Busting Myths on Acne! Myth 4 of 6
Myth 4: Only teenagers get acne.

Thought you finally kissed bad skin goodbye along with your teen years? Contrary to popular belief, adult acne is much more common than one may think. Having skin problems as an adult can be just as embarrassing as when you’re a teen, or even more so, but you are not alone. About 25% of men and 50% of women experience some degree of acne in their adult lives. These numbers are higher for women than men because acne is hormonally related and women’s hormones tend to fluctuate with their cycles and pregnancies.

As an adult, your skin is different than it was during your teen years, so your treatment should be different as well. It may be tempting to just visit your pharmacy store and grab some over-the-counter cleanser, but what you really need is a visit to the dermatologist. There are a lot more treatment options available and as your dermatologist, I can suggest the best option for you based on your unique skin.

In addition to prescription topical or oral medications, Greenville Dermatology also offers Omnilux Therapy, an intense pulsed light designed to treat acne or rosacea. Unfortunately Omnilux is not covered by insurance companies at this time, but it is competitively priced for our clients.

Make your appointment and start treating your acne the grown-up way. Call (864) 242-5872 today!

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